About Us

Achieve The Prime of Your Life

About us

The name “Prife” is derived from the combinations of “Prime” and “Life”, symbolizing our pursuit of excellence, quality, and the highest standards in both our lives and the range of wellness products and services we offer.


Established in 2021 with headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Prife International has rapidly gained global acclaim. Now, we are a global network marketing company operating in more than 80 countries and regions worldwide including the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and others.


With the establishment of a solid foundation, Prife rapidly flourished, swiftly outpacing not only its new competitors but also shaken up some larger, long-established companies through network marketing within just two years. This success is underpinned by a steadfast commitment from the Board of Directors, who hold a clear vision of enriching the community to achieve the prime of their lives.


One of the main pillars of success for Prife is the superiority of its i-TeraCare product. Its flagship product i-TeraCare, offers incredible health benefits with a focus on Terahertz technology. Since its inception, Prife has swiftly garnered a loyal following and attained widespread popularity within the global community.


At Prife International, we strive to create health, beauty and wealth for everyone through our innovative products and technologies, a rewarding remuneration system, and inspiring minds. We are dedicated to transforming lives for people everywhere and millions of families worldwide.

Prife Founders and

Board of Directors

BOD of Prife International are Exceptional Entrepreneurs and Outstanding Networking Leaders in this Fast Paced Competitive Industry! 

We are Trend Setters & we indeed Revolutionize the healthcare industry with our innovative Concepts & Empowering products!


Our MISSION is to lead our Members & Leaders around the world to achieve...

Ultimate Health, INCREDIBLE Inner & Outer beauty... 

Create New Wealth Masters! 

BOD have A Clear Crystal Vision to Enrich the Community to achieve the PRIME of their LIVES! 




Prife International

have A World Class proven training i-Elite Coaching and Mentoring system! 

Our Coaches & Trainers have transformed Ordinary people into

Extraordinary successful Networkers ! 


Since our incorporation on 28th September 2021, we have expanded into more than 70 countries and regions including the United States, Europe, Africa, South East Asia, India, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.

Our BOD includes Our

Company Founder and Group President

Dr Steven Lai,

Company Co-founder and Group Vice President

Dr Jimmy Chong, 

Group Chairman

Mr A. C. Goh


Group General Director

Mr Kacy Tan. 


The Esteemed BOD of Prife International are able to Empower the Young, Elevate the Middle Aged , Enrich the Elderly...

Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart, Spirit with Spirit To WALK WITH ALL OUR BELOVED MEMBERS AS ONE BIG GLOBAL


Dr. Steven Lai (DBA)

Founder & Group President

With more than 37 years of extensive experience in the network marketing industry, Dr. Steven Lai has received widespread acclaim for his expertise in direct selling. Internationally recognized as a renowned networker and master strategist in the direct selling industry, he is the founder of the 'K-System' education system. This system has successfully cultivated numerous outstanding leaders in network marketing and received the Asia-Pacific Top 10 Most Efficient & Effective Network System Award in 2006. It was also recognized with the Top 10 'Most Outstanding System Leaders' award in the Asia-Pacific region by the World Fortune Forum in 2005.


He served as the Executive Director of a renowned network marketing company, generating billions of US dollars in annual turnover. Dr. Lai is also a distinguished motivational speaker, having delivered over a thousand speeches worldwide.


Dr. Lai exemplifies lifelong learning. In 2018, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Business Administration by the International University of Humanitarian Welfare. Under his leadership, Prife International has seen gradual expansion and significant success, testament to his distinctive leadership style and profound professional knowledge.

Dr. Jimmy Chong (DBA)

Co-Founder & Group Vice President

Dr. Jimmy Chong has over 25 years of extensive experience in the direct selling industry and possesses keen market perception and judgment. He holds an honorary doctorate in Business Administration and has more than 10 years of experience managing network marketing companies. He is dedicated to fields such as corporate management, development strategies, marketing strategies, and systemic education.


In addition to serving as the Co-Founder and Vice President of Prife International, he is also the founder of the Prife Foundation. As an entrepreneur with a heart of goodwill, and deeply involved in philanthropy, he is passionate about supporting charitable causes and community service.


In 2013, Dr. Chong founded a direct selling company in Kenya, leading a team of over 1 million members across 28 countries. With his leadership skills and fortitude, Prife International has rapidly grown under his direction, reaching new milestones and solidifying his position as a trailblazer and industry role model.

Mr. A C Goh

Group Chairman

Mr. Goh possesses profound expertise in the direct selling business, with a focus on marketing and administration, having been in the industry for over 35 years. At the age of 20, he started his career as a household salesman. His company was among the first to receive direct selling licenses from the Malaysian Government in 1993.

As the Group Chairman of Prife International, Mr. Goh's enthusiasm for direct selling has been unwavering. He has devoted his career exclusively to this field and has not pursued interests in other industries or investments.

His life's mission is to actively foster a stable, sustainable, and high-quality lifestyle by creating a global safe haven for direct sellers.

Mr. Kacy Tan

Group General Director

Mr. Kacy Tan serves as the Group General Director of Prife International, boasting an illustrious career that spans over 27 years in the network marketing industry. As a seasoned leader replete with innovative concepts, he pursues excellence, leading the business and team to the forefront of the market and securing a competitive edge.

Armed with exceptional leadership skills and management experience, Mr. Tan has achieved remarkable success in the direct selling industry, earning numerous accolades. He received the Silver Award for Excellence at the 7th Direct Selling Conference for the Global Chinese & Asian-Pacific Selling Forum, was recognized as the Outstanding Dealer in the Asian-Pacific Region with a Golden Reputation, became the youngest distributor to achieve the highest rank in a top network marketing company in Malaysia, and was honored with the Outstanding International Management Skills award for 2021 by the Malaysia Top 100 Talent Awards.

He is a firm believer in the power of teamwork, and his inspirational leadership style is steeped in inspiration and motivation. He excels at unlocking team members' potential, empowering them to achieve breakthroughs in their careers.

  • Mission

    Inspiring the global community towards achieving health, beauty and wealth.

  • Vision

    Establishing iTeraCare as an essential product for families worldwide, while at the same time poised to be a top 10 global network company

  • Core Values

    • Spread Love
    • Integrate knowledge with action
    • Foster perpetual learning and growth
    • Be customer-centric
    • Cultivate joy and happiness
    • Inculcate gratitude and respect 
    • Pursue the perfect life 
    • Dream big

Awards & Achievements

A Trusted Global Brand

At Prife International, our relentless pursuit of excellence has garnered numerous accolades and achievements, solidifying our position as a trusted brand across the globe. Through unwavering dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, we have been honored with prestigious awards that recognize our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our products and services.


  • Rising Star Sales Revenue 2024, Malaysia Direct Distributions Association

  • Rising Star Company Of The Year 2024, Malaysia Direct Distributions Association

  • iTera Premium Plus - Rising Star Product Of The Year 2024, Malaysia Direct Distributions Association

  • Rising Star International Growth 2024, Malaysia Direct Distributions Association

  • i-Tera Bio Lite awarded “The Nanshan Award” by Prof Zhong Nan Shan


  • Malaysia CSR Award 2023

  • The Champion of 3T Power 2023, Global Peace Mission Movement

  • The Best of Healthcare 2023, Global Peace Mission Movement


  • 18th MOSHPA Award 2022, OSH Management in Health Technology


  • The Most Aggressive International Direct Selling Company, MFMPA Award 2021

  • The Outstanding International Direct Selling Company of the Year, MFMPA Award 2021

  • Most Outstanding Direct Selling Entrepreneur Award, MFMPA Award 2021

  • Most Excellent International Business Planner Award, MFMPA Award 2021
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